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Dental Procedures

Unleashed makes it a priority to provide pet dental procedures for our clients. Dental disease can contribute to many systemic health problems, which is why routine dental health assessments are key to your pet’s long- term health. Unleashed will provide anesthetic dental cleanings in the clinic location. We offer the best in dental cleaning equipment, along with an exceptionally well-trained staff.


Elective surgical procedures are performed in the clinic surgery suite equipped with state-of-the-art anesthesia and monitoring equipment enabling our veterinarians to provide high-quality routine pet surgery procedures. We offer the following surgical procedures: Canine Spay, Canine Neuter, Canine Caesarian, Feline Spay, Feline Neuter, Feline Caesarian, Feline Declaw, Cystotomy, Exploratory, Hernia Repair, Mass Removal


Ultrasonography is one of the most valuable diagnostic tools available to veterinary medicine. In clinic Dr. Eldridge utilizes an ultrasound machine to perform echocardiograms and abdominal scans for painless, non-invasive imaging. The digital system allows for submission of collected images to a radiologist for consultation if required.

Digital Radiography

Offered in clinic is digital radiography which is a form of x-ray imaging. Digital X-ray sensors are used instead of traditional photographic film. Advantages include time efficiency through bypassing chemical processing and the ability to digitally transfer and enhance images. Also, less radiation can be used to produce an image of similar contrast to conventional radiography. Digital radiography provides more detailed images and allows us to zoom in, highlight, invert and evaluate multiple images simultaneously. Digital Radiography also allows us to have an image in seconds!

In-Home Euthanasia

It is never easy to say goodbye to your beloved pet, but we will be there with you every step of the way. For preexisting clients, our service allows you to say goodbye in the comfort of your own home. We handle all of the necessary aftercare and transfer to the crematory service Pet Memories. Pet Memories is the only service in Oklahoma with a six-chamber private crematory that ensures each pet is truly being cremated privately. AquaCremation, an eco-friendly alternative, is also available upon request.

Sick Pets

There is no need to take your sick pet to the hospital — We are on our way! Many sick pets can be diagnosed and treated without having to leave the comfort of your home. Many diagnostic procedures, including blood work, dermatological tests, urinalyses, ophthalmic exams and microscopic evaluations can be performed from your home minimizing the stress of taking your companion to the hospital.

Wellness Exams

at-home pet wellness exams and physicals with the help of an experienced assistant, creating a less stressful experience for you and your pet. Following the exam, we will outline any recommendations that will enhance your pet’s health and well-being. Any necessary vaccinations can be administered during your visit and we are happy to discuss appropriate annual testing, parasite control and nutrition for your pet’s optimal wellness. We understand that pets are family and we will make your experience in providing the best possible health care to your pet convenient and stress-free, right at your doorstep.

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